At the age of 23 months old...
Perkembangan Khaira setakat hari ini..
1- jumps in place
2- descend stairs 2 feet per step
3- climbs stairs like adult ( but only a few flight of stairs)
4- dance on tiptoe ( yang ni Khaira tiru from video clip twinkle2 little star - banyak step yang khaira dapat tiru, others like..she tries to balance herself on 1 foot and able to turn around her body)
* all above are advance for her age
1- turns door knob - ( 2y)
2- unwraps sweer ( she's able to do this earlier) - (2y)
3- imitate horizontal line, circle ( 2.5 y)
4- recognise herself and other family members in photo ( 2.5 y)
normal development for the above skills as in the braket
1- combine words / 3 word sentence ( eg khaiya nak susu, ni chair khaiya , nak pon abi )
2- Point to many pictures in the book
3- able to name many pictures
Animal eg: elephant, snake, octopus, fish, bird, giraffe, zebra, hippo, cat, lion, orang utan,
lizard, bear, egg, turtle, frog, butterfly,
Fruits eg : banana, apple, strawberry
Clothes : baju, seluar,shoes, boots, hat, topi, umbrella, spec (glasses), jam,
At home : plate, sudu, flowers, clock, doll, blanket, towel, lampu, bantal, comb, sabun, key, CD, coins, telefon, hammer,
Body parts: hair, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, ear, armpit, hand, feet, perut
vehicles: aeroplane, car, bus, bicycle, lorry
Others: stars, kaabah,
4- knows more than 2 actions
eg : whisper, sleep, sit down, fly
5- ask " pe ni?" - apa ni?
1- plays alone
2- name friend
Development ni adalah base on ummi punya paediatric notes during medical student.Tapi setiap reference berlainan but most of them is almost the same.
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