Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pity Khaira

Today is saturday and is my turn to do call. Supposed abi will look after Khaira but abi got important meeting at site.So abi had to send you to nenna home.Pity Khaira, ummi and abi still have to work even during weekend.
Nenna told me that she made pasta for you and you like it very much!! Ummi tau khaira suka pasta tapi ummi jarang buat..actually nenna buat more delicious nak compare dengan ummi buat :-) sebab tu ummi malas nak buat. Dah a few times jugak ummi try tapi tak sama dengan nenna punya.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Khaira on the train

Today 17th ramadhan, nuzul quran. Company abi ada anjurkan majlis berbuka puasa kat Dewan Perdana. Kebetulan ummi pun cuti so we decided to go. Apa yang tak best nya dalam pukul 5 pm, abi call mintak ummi and khaira naik LRT then abi akan pick up kita kat Kg Baru station.Kalau abi balik ambik takut lambat sampai. Dah lah ummi kat jusco time tu...apa lagi cepat2 lah ummi balik. Time org balik keje..heavy traffic.Ummi terpaksa tinggalkan khaira kat rumah nenna dulu sebab ummi nak cepat bersiap. Dah siap tukar baju kat rumah, ummi pergi ambik khaira and mintak nenna tolong hntrkan ke LRT station. Kelakar ummi tengok khaira duk dalam train.Macam org besar. Yang lagi best, khaira siap main peek a boo dengan sorang kakak yg berdiri kat dalam train tu. And then kakak tu ambik gambar khaira. Ummi peliklah khaira ni, sometimes you are very friendly but sometimes not..

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The best way to teach your child to smile is to smile at your child.
The best way to teach your child to eat is to eat in front of your child and share your food.
The best way to teach your child to read is to read to and with your child.
The best way to teach your child to do anything ... is to be there with them and be their example
The best way to teach your child to speak is to speak to her - all the time! About anything and nothing

1. Explain to her what I’m doing or what things am I using

- how often a baby hears talking early is important. Babies learn to speak, without being taught to speak, simply by being spoken to and by hearing others around them speak.
2. Say your thoughts out loud
3. Sing to your child
4. Read to them. It helps them learn speech and how it's put together.
5. Teach your child sign language. A child understands a lot more than they can say

only because their vocal chords aren't matured enough.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

16 months old

At age 16 m.o

- start to say bye while waving her hand

- new word ka - kak, bird, shoe , susu( first single word khaira; ba-ba, pa-pa, ma-ma - ummi tak ingat age brape tapi dah lama khaira pandai sebut ni) But she cannot initiate the word by herself except for bird and shoe.

- follow people dance in tv but only simple step

- try to wear pants and shirt by herself. Yang tak tahan khaira akan mengamuk bila tak boleh pakai..

- more focus on tv especially time iklan. Ada a few iklan yang khaira suka

eg : digi prepaid



khaira akan stop bermain or whatever she did at that time just to concentrate on the iklan

- show her ineterst towards book. Bila ummi or abi ada kat rumah khaira suka mintak one of us esp ummi bacakan buku untuk khaira.

ummi akan ajar simple things

eg : bila ada star ummi akan nyanyikan twinkle2 little star untuk khaira. so each time khaira nmpk ada gambar star tangan khaira akan bukak tutup suruh ummi nyanyikan.

khaira dah kenal bird coz banyak sgt gambar bird dalam buku cerita yg ummi beli.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Cooking time

I woke up at 4 am today..have to cook for sahur..i fell asleep very early last nite..i haven’t sleep at all during my post call day because i have to settle a few things..Unfortunately..khaira also bangun..
Tak pe..bagus jugak at least more time with khaira eventhough agak susah nak masak kalau dia ada.
When i started to cook, she pushed me away from standing near the kitchen kabinet. Waktu ummi tumbuk halia guna lesung kat lantai...she was really excited to see me doing that. So i have an idea how to avoid her from disturbed my cooking time..ummi bagi khaira lesung tu dengan some dia asyik tumbuk benda tu je ..he he...khaira, khaira..harap2 nanti rajin tolong ummi kat dapur..

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our fate

On call again !! kesian khaira..ummi selalu tinggalkan khaira overnight. That’s why ummi doesn’t mind if u want to breast feed until now..eventhough you are already 1 year ++ , dah ada gigi.. selalu bite my nipple and it’s really tired to breastfeed you but i enjoyed it.Bagi ummi, itu adalah golden time for us and we always fell asleep together... :-)

Hari ni dah 3rd ramadhan but ummi still unable to perform tarawikh prayer..i felt a bit difference...before this we have a maid to look after you and i’ll go to surau for tarawikh..but now ummi have to look after you and abi will go to surau alone. Ummi kena ingat..........menjaga anak juga dianggap beribadah..

Khaira..ummi have to made decision to further my study but i'm really don’t know what to do..sometime i feel like i’m enjoying doing anaesthesia but sometime not..It’s ‘not’ because i have to do call and i can’t meet you for 24H. Bagi ummi, ummi perlu tgk anak ummi walau dalam sehari pun..rasa macam khaira terabai sgt bila tak dapat jumpa khaira within 24H.

But abi is really doing a good job....he manage to take care of you..thanks to khaira a good father. Sebelum ni, walaupun ada maid, Khaira tak pernah tidur bersama maid even waktu ummi on call. Itu polisi ummi dan abi. Seharian ummi dan abi tinggalkan Khaira dengan maid, rasa guilty sangat bila waktu malam nak biarkan Khaira tidur bersama maid.

For the whole ramadhan..i’ll try my best, to do a lot of ibadah..dan berdoa untuk keluarga..untk anak..Tuan Khaira Aisya..

I hope my lovely daughter will be a good muslimah, anak yang solehah..semoga Allah pelihara khaira dari segala kejahatan manusia dan ummi doakan khaira jadi anak yang pandai dan bahagia dunia akhirat.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Look at the past 1 year

It come across my mind to share with others about the best thing i have in my cute little girl..khaira aisya.

I should have started this 1 year ago but since i did not let me just bring you a speed with a few photos of growing khaira..

I would like to dedicate this blog to my lovely husband and daughter..hope the time we spend together will be the most memorable and precious time to us.

Semoga family kita sentiasa diberkati dan dilindungi Allah s.w.t...