"Anak-anak adalah cahaya mata, Penghibur hati penyejuk jiwa, Nikmat Allah yang paling bahagia, Nisbah benda lahiriah di dunia, Amanah Allah yang mesti dijaga....."
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Khaira won't eat
Some people said..it is normal for a toddler not taking food because they are active and their mind do not concentrate much on food.They are busy with playing and exploring the world.
In fact, there's a lot of my patient complained the same thing, but what i said was, just relax, most of them at this age are not interested with food.As long as they took milk, that's good enough.Then i'll advise them for small frequent meal and prescribe multivitamin to reduce the parent anxiety.But when it come to me..i'm so distress.Now i know how those parent felt.
When i go through one article about this problem by Dr Marylin..then only i felt relieved.
Below are some tips written in that article:
o Remember that every baby SLOWS DOWN IN EATING about one year of age. The child now grows at a slower pace and does not require the amounts of food that were necessary to fuel the earlier growth.
o Also remember that a year-old child has a MIND OF ITS OWN and now knows that some foods taste better than others. What's more by now children have learned some skills. They can shake their head or clench their teeth when some of the yucky stuff gets near the mouth. These new motor skills mean that the kid is--or soon will be--able to self-feed, as well as able to get up and walk away from the food.
o CUT DOWN THE AMOUNT OF MILK. A common reason babies don't eat solids is that they are getting more food than they need the easy way, from the bottle. No toddler needs more than 24 ounces of milk a day and you can even cut down to 16 ounces. The idea behind this seemingly draconian measure is to make the child hungry enough to willingly try solid foods and, hopefully, find some that taste good.
o Feed your child TINY PORTIONS. To a small person a spoonful of mashed potatoes can look like a mountain. Better the child ask for more than be overwhelmed.
o Be aware of how little food a young child needs. A TABLESPOON PER YEAR OF AGE (i.e. two tablespoons for a two-year-old) of starches, fruits and vegetables is an adequate serving size. As for meat or chicken, a serving is the size of the CHILD'S PALM.
o Feed FINGER FOODS. Although many babies at a year of age are still willing to be spoon-fed, quite a few are much too independent to tolerate this. Lots of things can be served as finger foods. For example you can spread mashed or pureed vegetable (or fruit) on thin bread with crusts removed. This somewhat unorthodox sandwich provides both the starch and vegetable.
o Offer NEW FOODS but make a promise to yourself that you will not get upset if your child refuses to try them. Parents are often concerned about protein intake (although 16 ounces of milk provides adequate protein) so try putting scrambled eggs, chopped hard-cooked eggs, large curd cottage cheese, small cubes of cheddar cheese, or tiny meat balls on the child's tray.
o Pay attention to your child's HUNGER PATTERNS. Most children--even the most finicky eaters--have a hungry period. Notice when your kid does the most eating. Be sneaky. Don't offer a bottle then. Instead work with your child's natural body rhythms and offer solids at that time.
o Repeat this mantra to yourself: nature does not permit self-starvation by toddlers.
So as a conclusion, STAY COOL and DON'T MAKE FOOD A HOT ISSUE.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
18 months old
Social development
- try to make friends
- no more stranger anxiety
- love her toys..she does not want to share with others
- very active at playground, totally ignore her mom
- knows she is 'Khaira'
- recognize ummi and abi
Motor development
- climbing here and there
- run
- climb stairs
- go down the stairs
- play with blocks
- say 'om om bak' bila terdengar music tom tom bak dekat Tv
- can point to many body parts
( teeth, nose, eyes, hair, kaki, tangan)
- love books very much
turn pages singly
- easy to memorise a new thing
- can point to bird, octopus, snake, elephant, fish,
Sunday, November 2, 2008
New pyjamas
Like father like daughter...
Spectacles yang Khaira pakai ni sebenarnya tak ada glasses. Kalau ada, ummi tak benarkan Khaira pakai nanti tak pasal2 mata Khaira rosak.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Mothers-daughter relationship
Mothers need to portray a positive role about their femininity and not complain or demean the role of women in the home. Daughters need to understand that to be female is a privilege and joy and not a 'curse' as is so often conveyed in some Asian cultures. The best person and the strongest example of feminine dignity and worth is the mother. When she is able to relate to her daughter with genuine love and compassion, she carries into the relationship a sense of worth and the desire to be emulated.
The relationship between mothers and daughters should be an especially beautiful one where the mother sees herself reflected in the person of her daughter and therefore, not only understands her better but enjoys her more. Of course, daughters may also take after their fathers and this is also why a good affirming attitude between spouses is central to the foundation of all family relationships. When girls are growing up they naturally want to have 'girl talk' with someone they trust and look up to. Who better than her mother? But the bonding has to have taken place earlier for the teenager to come to her mother with her questions and problems and it is this bonding at which parents need to work at when they start to have a family. Too often, parents find that they want to befriend their children but they have not established the bonds of trust and mutual respect.
Respect has to be earned through a life-style that reflects the values and principles we stand for. This is how our children evaluate us and we either qualify to become their confidants and friends or we do not, based on their assessment of us. Bad behavior is a symptom of a deeper problem and whether we are able to empathize and evaluate this and to be of help, will depend on the existing relationship.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Khaira starts to speak!
Khaira dah pandai follow word kakak, susu, shoes and some simple2 words.
Sebut mama, baba and papa dah lama khaira pandai. Cuma ummi and abi khaira tak tau lagi. Bila ummi mintak khaira says ummi, khaira will says ummma.....so cute :-)
Eventhough she just only had a few words but she understands so much.She understands to all my words..Syukur alhamdulillah..Khaira is a very good girl to me..
The other things is khaira is a good observant. Well...as far as i know..all children is a good observant that's why ada pepatah mengatakan 'melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya'. Masa kanak-kanak ni is the best time untuk mengajar. Khaira suka tiru apa yang orang buat.When i took ablution wash, Khaira pun nak buat sama, tapi time kumur khaira pergi telan air pipe..part ni yang ummi tak suka.
Then when i perform solat..Khaira akan sibuk nak solat sama. Ummi memang dah sediakan telekung sembahyang dan sejadah khas untuk Khaira. If possible ummi nak ajar Khaira dari kecil lagi macam mana nak solat. Sometimes ummi nak tergelak pun ada tengok Khaira solat. Turun naik dan rukuk..kemudian ada sujud. Walaupun Khaira tak tahu step lagi at least ummi dah dedahkan Khaira pada perkara paling penting sebagai seorang muslim.
Conclusion yg ummi boleh buat,Khaira suka ikut my routine activities..so pengajaran kat sini, ummi kena lebih berhati2 dengan semua perkara yang ummi buat supaya Khaira tak ikut perkara yang tak elok.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Di secret recipe..
At 4 pm, ummi bawak khaira gi secret recipe coz ummi dah hungry sangat. Initially plan nak gi mcDonald tapi rasa dah boring sangat makan McD. Dekat area rumah ni, fast food yang ada cuma Mcdonald and secret recipe.
What made me suprised was.. masa dekat secret recipe ada sorang kakak( who was also a customer in secret recipe) tiba2 datang bawakan kek untuk Khaira. Baik betul akak ni....as usual Khaira makan sikit je..sebab tu ummi tak beli untuk khaira, membazir.
Apa yang ummi lagi terkejut, sebelum dia orang keluar dari secret recipe, husband akak tu datang nak salam ngan Khaira tapi khaira tak nak...then uncle tu bagi khaira duit raya RM10. Baik betul couple tu..susah nak jumpa orang macam ni.Thanks uncle.. :-)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hari Raya 2008
Well..raya this year banyak mengajar ummi erti kesabaran dan hubungan sesama manusia.Sebagai umat islam, kita tidak boleh ada sifat dendam dan hendaklah sentiasa bersangka baik.So, bawah topic ni ummi nak mengajar Khaira erti hubungan sesama manusia.
Wahai puteriku..Sekiranya suatu hari nanti ada orang berbuat tidak baik pada mu, janganlah kamu cepat melenting sebaliknya bersabar dan sentiasa bermanis muka dan bersikap baik.Sesungguhnya Allah lebih mengetahui apa di hati kita.Sekiranya kamu merasa berdiam diri itu adalah lebih baik, maka berdiam dirilah kamu.Sekiranya tidak..maka carilah jalan penyelesaian untuk meleraikan kekusutan itu dengan cara yang baik.
Rasulullah s.a.w ada bersabda, bermaksud:
"Sesiapa yang ingin dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur, hendaklah dia mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim"
Pelbagai cara boleh dilakukan untuk mengeratkan silaturahim. Contohnya, dengan hormat menghormati sesama Muslim, menghormati dan bermanis muka terhadap tetamu serta jiran tetangga dan ziarah menziarahi dengan niat silaturahim. Semua orang mengakui, bahawa Islam adalah agama persaudaraan, perpaduan dan silaturahim atau agama yang saling menghubungkan kasih sayang sesama Islam, saudara, keluarga dan sesama manusia. Islam agama yang mengatur manusia cara hidup terbaik, hidup bersaudara, bersilaturahim dan bersefahaman.
Firman Allah bermaksud:
"Sebenarnya orang beriman itu adalah bersaudara, maka damaikanlah antara dua saudara kamu (yang bertelingkah) itu, dan bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya kamu beroleh rahmat" (Surah al-Hujuraat, ayat 10)
Nabi ketika ditanya mengenai manusia yang terbaik, menjawab dalam sabdanya bermaksud:
"Orang yang terbaik antara mereka ialah orang yang paling bertakwa kepada Allah. Dan orang yang paling erat hubungan silaturahimnya (sesama keluarga atau saudaranya). Dan orang yang paling banyak mengajak kepada kebaikan serta orang yang paling banyak dalam melarang berbuat kemungkaran.* (Hadis riwayat At-Thabrani).
Inilah asas hidup bersilaturahim atau bersaudara dalam Islam. Manusia tidak boleh hidup bersendiri tanpa keluarga, kawan, sahabat, jiran dan masyarakat. Masyarakat atau umat yang tidak mementingkan hubungan silaturahim adalah masyarakat yang tempang, tiada kekuatan dan jauh daripada keberkatan di sisi Allah.
Maka wahai puteriku Khaira...hendaklah kamu menjaga perhubungan mu sesama manusia.
Ummi doakan semoga Khaira akan menjadi manusia yang disenangi ramai dan diberkati Allah s.w.t
Monday, October 6, 2008
Khaira's favourite
1) Pasta ( biasanya ummi suka beli yg btk spiral utk khaira)
2) Cheddar cheese ( grated)
3) Mushroom cream
4) Mayyonaise
Cara buat
- rebus pasta hingga lembut
- setelah diangkat, gaulkan bersama mayonis dan mushroom cream
- sebelum di bakar, letak grated cheddar cheese kat bhgn atas then bakar pada suhu 160'C about 10-15 minutes. ( Biasanya ummi tak letak pun cheddar cheese ni coz dia akan jadi keras bahagian atas, khaira tak suka sgt part ni )
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Pity Khaira
Nenna told me that she made pasta for you and you like it very much!! Ummi tau khaira suka pasta tapi ummi jarang buat..actually nenna buat more delicious nak compare dengan ummi buat :-) sebab tu ummi malas nak buat. Dah a few times jugak ummi try tapi tak sama dengan nenna punya.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Khaira on the train
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The best way to teach your child to smile is to smile at your child.
The best way to teach your child to eat is to eat in front of your child and share your food.
The best way to teach your child to read is to read to and with your child.
The best way to teach your child to do anything ... is to be there with them and be their example
The best way to teach your child to speak is to speak to her - all the time! About anything and nothing
1. Explain to her what I’m doing or what things am I using
- how often a baby hears talking early is important. Babies learn to speak, without being taught to speak, simply by being spoken to and by hearing others around them speak.
2. Say your thoughts out loud
3. Sing to your child
4. Read to them. It helps them learn speech and how it's put together.
5. Teach your child sign language. A child understands a lot more than they can say
only because their vocal chords aren't matured enough.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
16 months old
Friday, September 5, 2008
Cooking time
Tak pe..bagus jugak at least more time with khaira eventhough agak susah nak masak kalau dia ada.
When i started to cook, she pushed me away from standing near the kitchen kabinet. Waktu ummi tumbuk halia guna lesung kat lantai...she was really excited to see me doing that. So i have an idea how to avoid her from disturbed my cooking time..ummi bagi khaira lesung tu dengan some beras..so dia asyik tumbuk benda tu je ..he he...khaira, khaira..harap2 nanti rajin tolong ummi kat dapur..
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Our fate
Hari ni dah 3rd ramadhan but ummi still unable to perform tarawikh prayer..i felt a bit difference...before this we have a maid to look after you and i’ll go to surau for tarawikh..but now ummi have to look after you and abi will go to surau alone. Ummi kena ingat..........menjaga anak juga dianggap beribadah..
Khaira..ummi have to made decision to further my study but i'm really don’t know what to do..sometime i feel like i’m enjoying doing anaesthesia but sometime not..It’s ‘not’ because i have to do call and i can’t meet you for 24H. Bagi ummi, ummi perlu tgk anak ummi walau dalam sehari pun..rasa macam khaira terabai sgt bila tak dapat jumpa khaira within 24H.
But abi is really doing a good job....he manage to take care of you..thanks to Allah..giving khaira a good father. Sebelum ni, walaupun ada maid, Khaira tak pernah tidur bersama maid even waktu ummi on call. Itu polisi ummi dan abi. Seharian ummi dan abi tinggalkan Khaira dengan maid, rasa guilty sangat bila waktu malam nak biarkan Khaira tidur bersama maid.
For the whole ramadhan..i’ll try my best, to do a lot of ibadah..dan berdoa untuk keluarga..untk anak..Tuan Khaira Aisya..
I hope my lovely daughter will be a good muslimah, anak yang solehah..semoga Allah pelihara khaira dari segala kejahatan manusia dan ummi doakan khaira jadi anak yang pandai dan bahagia dunia akhirat.
Monday, September 1, 2008
A Look at the past 1 year
I should have started this 1 year ago but since i did not let me just bring you a speed with a few photos of growing khaira..
I would like to dedicate this blog to my lovely husband and daughter..hope the time we spend together will be the most memorable and precious time to us.
Semoga family kita sentiasa diberkati dan dilindungi Allah s.w.t...