Thursday, May 21, 2009


Development at 2 years old

- kick ball forward
- Jumps in place
- Climb stairs like adult

- same as 23 months old ( in previous entry)

- combines word/ 4-5 word sentences
- knows nursery ryhmes ( can sing a few songs in her language..but ummi can recognize the songs eg : ABC song, Twinkle-twinkle little star, eensy weensy spider, ba-ba black sheep)
- Try to sing whatever song she heard ( esp in the car - lagu yusoff islam)
- able to read " Bismillahhirahmanirahim" dalam bahasa pelatnya
- sometimes p atau t sounds like K ...for eg : kuku kanjang, khaiya nak kengok.. tapi tak semua words. Certain words sahaja.
- 'r' sounds like 'y' eg ; Doya ( dora), Khaiya ( Khaira), loyi ( lori)
- After got fever, Khaira macam disorientated sedikit..Khaira selalu panggil ummi ni abi. Kenapa ya? Ummi masih lagi tak ada jawapan
- Able to wear her pant/skirt alone . Pakai baju masih lagi perlu dibantu.
- more body part yang khaira tahu, tambahan kepada entry yang sebelum ini ; armpit, chin, head, shoulder, knee
- she can count from 1 to 4 and sometime 5, then from 7 to 10. Number six is always missing !
- name friends
- able to make friend however she is very stingy with her toys.
For eg: setiap kali Sarah datang rumah, main toys khaira..Khaira akan rampas balik.
- try to attract ummi dan abi dengan crying sampai kekadang macam meneran sebab nak paksa diri menangis.
- Plays cooking ( she usually begin with cutting the toy fish and cook them then she will serve for ummi and abi )
- Plays with bear/dolls ( she knows how to take care of them like a baby)

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